The years from conception to age five are critical to providing the foundations for a healthy developing brain

The parent child connection is the most powerful mental health intervention of all time. Forming connected relationships is vital for children to build their resilience.

Where an infant or child faces adversity and trauma in these years they will be more likely to struggle in engaging with others and managing their emotions. Parents, carers and practitioners also may find difficulties in managing their own unresolved trauma, overwhelm, or feeling underprepared to support these children and their families.

Our models of practice

Five to Thrive

Brains grow when we do 5 simple things. Five to Thrive describes a sequence of relational activities that builds healthy brains.

Mending Hurts

Mending Hurts is the KCA model for promoting recovery from trauma by enabling people to notice what they, or other people, do in their most effective interactions with vulnerable and traumatised people.

Creating Connections

We know that healing and recovery happen best when we're part of a community - when we come together and build resilience. Creating connections focuses on trauma prevention and recovery, building capacity for self-healing communities.

Leadership Revolution

Leadership has always been complex, but more so now than ever. The context in which you lead is in constant flux and you are increasingly being required to navigate change and uncertainty. The Leadership Revolution helps you better understand recovery leadership and address stress arising from uncertainty

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